Home » Faq


On this page you will find all of the most frequently asked questions (faq), posted by users.

If you do not feel satisfied after consulting the answers, write to info@iumob.it.

  • Who is Iumob?
    Iumob is a B2C and B2B company, founded in 2010, by former manager of leading Italian companies, specialized in creating platforms location-based, digital payment solutions and content monetization.
    What are Premium Services?
    Premium services are paid services, available on web and mobile, on-demand or in subscription.Find out all the Premium Services, and how to activate them.
  • What are the accepted payment methods?
    Paid digital services can be purchased by mobile credit or credit card, depending on the type of offer.
    Discover the Digital Payments solutions
  • To whom are Iumob services?
    The services provided by Iumob are both B2C, because they are aimed at end users and related to the entertainment world in general, and B2B, because they are addressed to companies digital-interested from many different sectors.
    Find out more about in the Services page.
  • How can I disable subscription services?
    On the site there is a section dedicated entirely to disabling subscription services. Here you will find a list of all the Premium services of Iumob, and how to disable each one.
  • I would like to contact customer support, how do I do it?
    Customer service is always active 24 hours a day. Visit the Contacts page to see the call center numbers
  • I am a Company, how do I get in touch with you?
    Thanks to several technology solutions, and the skilled team, Iumob can help companies in many ways. Find out all the Services, and fill out the form on the Contacts page , or send us an email at info@iumob.it
  • I am a non-profit organization, Iumob is involved in social responsibility?
    For some years, Iumob has chosen to support the non-profit organizations in the projects which believes.
    Visit the Social Commitment page, and find out more.
  • I’m a journalist, where do I find press releases?
    In the News section you will find all of our press releases, that can be consulted online or downloaded. For more information, please send an email to media@iumob.it
  • Where are Iumob offices?
    Iumob currently has offices in Milan and Terni, but is present in several European countries, particularly France, Germany and Spain
  • I would like to work with you, to whom I submit my resume?
    Visit the Jobs sectionwhere you will find updated job offers, and Iumob business policy at work. Check out all the opportunities, or send your CV and keep it in the archive.
  • I’m a young startup and I’m looking for funding for my project, is Iumob interested?
    Visit the startup page , and send an email to iumoblab@iumob.it, for more information about the Iumob Lab program.
  • Does Iumob have a blog or social channels?
    Iumob has a Blog where news on technology, innovation, mobile and web are published. Subscribe to the Newsletter , to not miss our news.
    The company is also actively present on LinkedIn, where postings of information and updates are shared.

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