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Iumob Lab

We have grown a lot in these years, and we continue to grow every day, but we have not forgotten Who we are, and what it means to have a dream, an idea, an intuition and want, at all costs, to achieve it.

What is Iumob Lab

Iumob Lab is a business incubator, which is addressed to those who have so many ideas, but still do not know how to carry them forward.

But Iumob Lab is much more, it’s our new challenge and aims to help young startups, specializing in the technology and digital industry, who have no economic means and experience to start their own business.

To whom Iumob Lab is addressed

Access to our support program is addressed to technological and innovative startups, with focus on the ability to create products and strategies in the following fields:

  • Digital Payments;
  • Freemium Services;
  • Community platforms;
  • Monetization.

What we offer

Iumob Lab provides for a growth path, that has the main goal of supporting Startup’s business project at one of our locations, in Milan or Terni, offering:

  • Logistical support (desk, office, meeting rooms);
  • Provision of technology (computers, software, telephony);
  • Expertise (management consulting, technology and marketing);
  • Economic investment. Last but not least, Iumob Lab is also available to help startups even economically, evaluating its financial support by investing or buying shares.

Iumob supports BOOM imagestudio’s project

In 2018 IuMob decided to face a new challenge: supporting BOOM Imagestudio, a startup that uses artificial intelligence systems for photo retouching.

Online for a fews years, Company started with three friends and co-founders who share the same passion: photography.

Startupper has created a “market” of on demand photo services on an international scale, drawing on the experience of professional photographers operating in different countries and combining these human qualities with artificial intelligence algorithms.

With the funds obtained in this new phase of growth, which amount to approximately 7 million dollars, the startup aims to create a presence in 180 countries, including opening a studio in London and New York.

Iumob invests in the first italian start-up on luggage storage

Bags Parking is an innovative startup founded in 2019.

Our mission is to help travelers to enjoy their trip in a carefree mood and with free hands.

Bags Parking is a luggage storage service based on a widespread network of Bags Managers (i.e. the owners of the luggage storage) located throughout the city.

Iumob invests in Fintech through the innovative Startup Trusteet

Since 2017 Iumob has been supporting Trusteet, an innovative startup with a focus on FinTech.

Trusteet is a Full Service Provider that operates in the Entertainment and Communities business, offering a wide range of Payments Solutions and managing an entire production cycle.

Trusteet’s mission is to find winning strategies, in particular in choosing the best Digital Payments solutions for helping companies to improve their performance and increase their Revenues.

Contact us to find out more

If you recognize yourself in this description, if you have an innovative idea but you don’t know how to achieve it, if you are a self-starter young man who has made technology and innovation a lifestyle, feel free to contact us and arrange a meeting, to get to know each other better and pitch your business project. Please, send an email to iumoblab@iumob.it

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Avviso importante per i nostri clienti

Gentili clienti,

Siamo venuti a conoscenza che purtroppo qualcuno sta inoltrando via WhatsApp dei messaggi fraudolenti che riportano il nome e l’indirizzo della nostra Società proponendo fantomatiche collaborazioni e opportunità di guadagno.

Ci teniamo a precisare che la nostra Azienda non propone alcun tipo di collaborazione specialmente tramite canale WhatsApp e abbiamo già denunciato la cosa alla Polizia Postale.

Qualora aveste ricevuto o doveste ricevere delle comunicazioni di questo tipo da un numero straniero (le segnalazioni fino ad oggi giunte hanno indicato un numero con prefisso indonesiano +62) vi invitiamo a bloccare questo contatto e a segnalarlo su WhatsApp.

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